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Word from the Street
Hole in the Sky

Who:Mark Ephraim

What:Producer, Studio Owner

Where:Brooklyn, New York

API Gear:512c, 560, 550A, lunchbox®

From the Street:

"API gear has always been one of my top choices in the recording chain on the front end, and the same goes for API consoles for mixing. Having a lunchbox with a few select API modules is an absolute necessity for when I need to get a confident, low-noise, in-your-face, high fidelity sound. The reliable and rugged design also makes my workflow much easier — I can power up the lunchbox and already know it's going to work.

"I travel to different studios for work, and if I see there is no API in the studio's gear list I pack a lunch."

About Mark Ephraim and Hole in the Sky:

Mark Ephraim founded Hole in the Sky studio nine years ago in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, "to create an ideal recording environment where artists could leave with their best experiences and best records to date." Ephraim and his studio embrace the challenge of pushing musicians to achieve their fullest potential while promoting openness and creativity. In the years that Hole in the Sky has been active, Ephraim has worked with artists such as the New Pornographers, Del Marquis, Au Revoir Simone and Dirty on Purpose.


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