Pro AVL Asia recently published a story about the brand new Studio Tanta, located in the Shibuya area of Tokyo. The studio, which just celebrated its grand opening, is equipped with a 32 channel automated 1608 and a 48 channel fully-fitted Legacy AXS console (the first in Japan).
As the first large-scale studio built in Tokyo for quite some time, Studio Tanta has been in planning and construction for over three years, and careful thought and consideration went into the gear that would ultimately give the studio its sound.
Tanta's Managing Director Tomoyuki Fukuda visited several prominent studios in the US to study their components and key to success. He found that many of these spaces had "high control room ceilings, lively acoustics and API consoles."
"Tokyo's main studios are primarily fitted with Neve or SSL boards, but I was looking for something different to characterize and distinguish Tanta," said Fukuda. "I was fortunate to meet many famous engineers in the US who introduced me to API's legendary analog sound, and from there I made contact with the factory near Baltimore. It's encouraging to see artists in the US still preferring the warmth and depth of analog audio."
Equipped with a dedicated team, a state-of-the-art facility and the unique API sound, we think it's safe to say Studio Tanta is destined to stand out and shine as a major recording destination in Japan.